Monday, May 29, 2006

the humble beginning

Summer is here, and with it is the always sweet four-month reprieve from classes, which allows us plenty of time to drink way too much beer, work a shitty retail job, consume unholy amounts of media, and create unholy amounts of music. Such has been the case so far, save working a shitty retail job (although I start tomorrow at Kroger).

Mikey and I are living in decadence in an apartment that we have affectionately dubbed the Falls City Fortress. For those of you who haven't experienced the thrifty jouissance that Falls City Beer unleashes upon one's world, you haven't lived. Also regarding nomenclature, in hopes of foreshadowing a lot of drunken nights and stoner metal, we decided that the summer of 2006 is officially the Summer of Sabbath. Seriously, when is the next opportunity to celebrate a 6/6/06? June 6, 2106. We'll be circle-pitting in Hell.

The music part of the summer has been sweet. The shows at our venue have been lacking, but the shows we have seen or played elsewhere have more than made up for the shows in Cookeville. Growing and Thrones at the Pilot Light was the best show I've seen this year; I'm sure there are heavier live bands, but Joe Preston crushed my heart and my gut with his heavy riffs. Unfortunately, he played the all-things-weed-related demand curve with his lp: $18.

The record label that Anthony and I drunkenly hashed out one evening several months ago is finally coming to fruition. Our first release, the Mewl fuckingoscillator cd-r, is available as of today. We only made 25 of them. Hopefully, Fish and Bird Records will put out many more things this summer, and hopefully we will unload all of them. Expect releases from Witties, Sack Blabbath, Siamese Goats, Joey and Mikey's Ambient Excursion, Luke Skypuncher, City of Traitors, and more before the end of the summer.

We have an awesome show at Mice Pace tonight. Hi-Red Center (Brooklyn) play quirky, experimental pop. Maps and Atlases are a rather intense pop band who explore the maximum within the framework of a pop song. Lots of noodling and drums, lots of awesome. Witties has a huge beard, enough said. Mewl is mewl. Might be the best show we've ever had at the place. Hopefully the turnout is stellar. Pictures and sounds in the next update.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

4:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

8:09 PM  

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